I can always tell what rooms my sons have been in during the morning. They are reeking of that teenage scent Axe. For those of you that do not have young teenage sons I will explain. Axe is the current “in” thing for the well groomed young man. This product comes in deodorant, body wash, and body spray. Additionally it comes in a variety of editions with names such as Provoke, Instinct, Vice, Click and my offspring’s choice, Dark temptation. This particular flavor is supposed to evoke the smell of hot chocolate; my olfactory senses are evoking car fire. I know this is a rite of passage, but I wonder why the user needs to douse one’s self so heavily, that it becomes difficult to breathe when an unsuspecting bystander comes within ten feet of the wearer. I can tell where they have ventured in the morning by following their scent trail. I have to tell you, that the smell doesn’t completely disappear till hours after they have left the building!
I started thinking back to my own adolescence, and realized that the names have changed but the actions remain the same. In my day, the young men would drown themselves in English Leather, High Karate and Joe Nameth’s favorite, Brut. They were not alone. The colognes of choice for young ladies during that time were Chantilly, Heaven Scent, Love’s Baby Soft, Tabu, and Ambush! The only thing they had in common was their cloying sweetness. My heart goes out to all those school bus drivers stuck in an enclosed space with twenty assorted teens, saturated with twenty competing fragrances. I guess Visine for tearing eyes, and an industrial gas mask should be regarded as necessary accruements for the job.
As time marched on, so did our taste in colognes and perfumes. Young men moved upscale to Polo, and Aramis, while we gals took a spin with Obsession, Lauren and Eternity. Catching a whiff of the aforementioned scents brings back a flood of memories; most of them centered on Disco fever, and my skin tight Calvin’s! For a time we all dabbled with Musk oil, that fragrance based on the theory that the pheromone based scent would attract the opposite sex like bees to honey. It was short lived, as the smell more reminded one of Musk Ox.
Meanwhile, our parents had their own favorites; Dads had Aqua Velva and Old Spice. Bay Rum was reserved for special occasions. Mom had Jean Nate, for everyday and Channel Number 5 for fancy affairs. Thankfully for us kids; Evening in Paris had gone out of style. They used restraint upon application, as the one bottle was usually stretched out between Christmases. I don’t think my parents ever entertained the idea of buying scents for themselves. Soap, water, deodorant and a dusting of talc usually sufficed. I can honestly say any colognes or perfumes that came into my parent’s home were received as gifts.
As time moves on, it is interesting to note what colognes and perfumes are currently scattered on our bedroom dressers. It probably comes as no surprise that my go to scent is Channel Number 5, while my husband leans toward Old Spice. Funny how even our choices in fragrances came full circle!