Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Facebook Official

Well, my last son just went Facebook official.  For those of you not in the know, this means he is “In a Relationship.” I have been down this road before, and was not looking forward to my last baby taking this step.  What this means to him, is that he has a girlfriend, to me it means that the question and answer period has been officially shut down.  It seems that once a teenager enters into a “relationship” all information becomes top secret.  As a mother, I do not possess the security clearance necessary to be privy to any details.

Unfortunately for all three of my boys, I was friends with the mothers of their first “girlfriends.” We would share whatever meager tidbits of information we happened upon, and hoped that no one’s heart was crushed in the first foray into romance. Not that we would ever in a million years know the details!

It seems to have happened in a heartbeat.  One day we would be told long sagas of the day’s events.  The stories would take 30 minutes to relate, while the actual event being described took 30 seconds. They included all the details; weather conditions, wardrobe, and cast of characters. They painted vivid verbal pictures of the observations made.  Now we receive a grunt, a shrug, or rolled eye, when we ask the innocuous “how was your day?”

Currently, all questions need to be presented to their advance team, than we will be informed what topics are off limits. The only thing I can count on anymore is “how about this weather?” They forget that I have always asked questions about what was going on in their lives. Why now, is it viewed as such an unwanted intrusion?  It makes me wonder, what do they think I will do with this information?  Will I contact their girlfriend, and pass along sensitive Intel? I am your mother, and in case you haven’t noticed, I care more for you than everyone in the world. I always have, and always will have your best interest at heart.  I want to be able to guide you through this stage, as I guided you through walking and riding a bike. 

My boys are somehow under the mistaken impression, that I was hatched fully formed as their mother. They can’t fathom the idea, that I was once a young girl.  I know how girls think!  I have had 50+ years experience as a female, and my memory is long. I am sitting on a wealth of information, and eager to share.  I am not, as I think you believe, trying to run/destroy/live your life.

As much as things change, they remain the same.  There will be girlfriends, there will be breakups, there will be broken hearts, and there will be brand new relationships.  I guess I have to learn from my sons, that this is the stage in my life, where I learn to zip my lip, and just trust that the lessons I tried to impart, have taken root. I’m trying, but it’s not easy. Then again what new stage is ever easy?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We're Going to the Super Bowl!!!!!!!

Many, many moons ago when I first met my husband I quickly discovered he was a fanatical Giants football fan. At the risk of revealing how long in the tooth I really am, I will divulge that Phil Simms was the quarterback. Our Sundays were spent in front of the TV as the season unfurled.  In the beginning of our relationship, when our true colors were still under wraps, my husband sat on the couch, and made polite comments, like nice play, or good pass.  That was in year one.  By the time the second season started his true fanaticism was starting to bleed through.  Instead of sitting calmly on the couch, he would pace to and fro, picking up tempo as the score got closer. When season 3 finally rolled around, all pretense of civil behavior went out the window and he turned rabid. Many a Sunday afternoon I witnessed him charging the TV, screaming at the top of his lungs “Phil Simms, You s*ck! Luckily nothing was ever broken, except for a remote which flew out of his hand during a particularly exciting play, and occasionally his heart.
Through it all he remained “TRUE BLUE.” About 5 or 6 years ago, a friend offered to sell him 2 season tickets.  This buddy had four tickets, one each for himself, wife and two children. His wife was not, in his opinion showing the proper enthusiasm expected, when given the opportunity to sit in the frigid cold, and watch grown men toss a ball around, while simultaneously knocking each other to the ground. His children were still on the young side, and their favorite refrain at the games to date had been “Is this almost over?””When can we leave?” and “Dad, its’ too cold here!” My husband leaped on the opportunity. Oh he loved it!  From the tailgating in the parking lot with hundreds of close friends (because if you are a Giant fan, you are a friend of mine), to the hooting and hollering up in the stands with like (or right) minded individuals. On days his beloved “Gints” played away, he could be found pacing in front of our home TV, yelling instructions to the quarterback.  (I know, I told him they can’t hear him, but all I got for imparting this piece of timely information was a dirty look.)
As you all probably know, the new stadium went up in 2010.  Finally a chance to have his own season tickets, a lifelong dream comes true. He purchased three tickets.  We have three sons, but one is away at college, and the other two will (hopefully, God willing) be away at school when the eldest returns. Now that he is plugged into the Giants network, in a pinch, he can always rustle up an extra ticket.  Usually he knows of some poor buddy that is being forced to attend a wedding or christening on game day. (Not that he understands this.)
Yes the licensing fees were steep, but if you consider, as I was, that this represented every Christmas/Birthday/Anniversary present he would ever receive, not to mention a season ticket inheritance for each son, when Dad departs for the big goalpost in the sky, it could be justified. I cannot tell you the joy he derives from his Sunday afternoons at the games. Decked out in his Giant regalia, he makes the trek up to the Meadowlands faithfully.  He has also been successful in his quest to indoctrinate our offspring to the ‘Giant” way. They too can now intelligently spout plays, yards, bad calls, and all other football trivia with the best of them.  They have made their father proud.
His beloved Giants are going to the Super Bowl this year, and so is he! I was made aware of his plans at the last televised playoff game, when he and a few friends were jumping up and down screaming “We’re going to Indianapolis.” I mistakenly thought he was using the Royal ‘We” as in our Giants are going to the super bowl. I was wrong.
So his bags are packed, and he is ready to go!  He is driving in my minivan (the seats recline, so you can catch a nap he explained) with three other diehard fans.  He has packed a cooler with drinks, yodels, Hostess fruit pies, and a couple of packs of red twizzlers.(Provisions for the twelve hour jaunt) Tickets, check….hotel reservations, check….Giant jerseys, check….Giant hat, check……enthusiasm, check, check and triple check!
Meanwhile back at home base, I will be attending a Super Bowl party.  I will spend my time checking out the latest in delicious “Game Day” appetizers, and dips.  I will also watch with much interest the commercials and half time show. But most importantly I will be hoping his team wins, so he will have a weekend to remember forever!