Thursday, October 7, 2010

School Daze

I have been the mother of elementary school children for over 12 years now. (I believe
they only allow the president to serve 8 consecutive years hmmmm) In these dozen or
so years I have skillfully evaded being the “Class Mom”, a thankless job, with no pay,
and even less benefits. From time to time I have been guilt tripped into coming in to school to help out.  Usually this is to aid in the throwing of a Holiday extravaganza!

I was the helper mom at one first grade Thanksgiving party. A word to the wise…glue sticks just don’t have the holding power when it comes to attaching feathers to brown
paper vests. I spent the morning cutting, gluing, and stapling, for 24 designer divas.
I never knew that glitter was a popular Puritan embellishment.  I now stand corrected!
I helped with numerous “Hand Turkeys”, which seem to never go out of style, and
Candy Corn name collages. The buffet style meal of apple cider, and popcorn just
couldn’t be beat.

I thought the whole thing had gone off rather well!  True I was covered with gold
glitter, and the apple cider had given me a touch of indigestion, but all in all a good day.
My guilt effectively banished.

Later that afternoon, when my young son came off the bus, he couldn’t wait to
rehash the day.  “You know everyone asked me, if you were my mom,” he said.
“Yes, she is,” he related proudly.  My heart was swelling with pride, and
I made a mental note to volunteer more often. “And then they said, “Shes’
huge!”  “And I said, I know!” He happily recalled. “I told them that you are probably
the biggest mom in the WHOLE first grade!” “Isn’t that great mom?  “When are
you coming back in ?”

 “Oh maybe in about 35 pounds or so,” I replied.  

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